Further information for applicants

  1. The application must contain the following documents in PDF format: cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement (max. two pages), publication list and two reference letters. These documents should be submitted through the online application form.
  2. Note that “recently finished a PhD in experimental or theoretical physics” does not define a sharp time line. The selection committee will always ponder quality, creativity, autonomy, and experience in the attempt to do proper justice to each individual application.
  3. Fellows will be employed either at the University of Freiburg (Germany) or at the University of Basel (Switzerland) and will be hosted in a research group at either of these two nodes. The host PIs in charge of these groups are listed under https://www.quantum.unibas.ch/g-h-e-postdoc-cluster/organization/. In the application form applicants are asked to choose the most suitable host PI. The respective host PI’s assessment of the candidate is taken into consideration by the GHE Committee. We therefore strongly encourage applicants to contact the chosen PI prior to their application and to include relevant information on that PI’s endorsement in their application.
  4. Applicants are asked to give an ‘Earliest starting date’ for their fellowship in the application form. While there is some flexibility in the actual starting date, the date specified here should reflect a date which can be adhered to with very high probability. In case applicants have not yet finished their PhD at the time of the application, this date should reflect a realistic time plan in finishing the PhD and starting the fellowship.
  5. Given the cluster’s purpose to bridge and combine scientific activities at its two nodes in Basel and Freiburg, successful applicants will choose a scientific co-host at the other partner institution. Applicants who can identify such a co-host (see the PI-list) already at the application stage are welcome and encouraged to do so in their application documents.