Numerical time-dependent spectroscopy on the optically excited Mott-Hubbard cluster

Speaker: Junichi Okamoto (ALU Freiburg, M. Thoss group)

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Title: Numerical time-dependent spectroscopy on the optically excited Mott-Hubbard cluster

Speaker: GHE Fellow J. Okamoto (Univ. of Freiburg, M. Thoss group)

Date: November 26th 2020 @ 2pm

Place: Online zoom seminar


Recent pump-probe experiments have uncovered a variety of intriguing dynamics in strongly correlated materials such as ultrafast structural transitions in transition metal dichalcogenides. The key feature of these experiments is the time-dependent spectroscopic information. In this talk, I will discuss the time-evolution of various spectroscopic observables in optically excited Mott-Hubbard models. By numerically exact simulations of finite Hubbard clusters, we find that continuous resonant excitation can lead to a prethermal Floquet state with Rabi oscillations for weak field amplitudes [1]. For strong and short excitation, multi-photon excited states show second harmonic oscillations in time-dependent optical conductivity [2].

[1] arXiv:2010.00326          [2] New J. Phys. 21, 123040 (2019)